Monday, November 9, 2009


I can never make up my mind about this blogging thing. On one hand, it's a nice way to update friends on what's going on. I mean, I like reading their blogs and finding out what they're up to, so it seems fair.

Honestly, though, I sometimes wonder why I should bother posting anything. I hate that some of my best friends find things out about me only because of my blog. I hate that I really haven't done a good enough job managing my time so that I could spend more time with them. It's also a little weird to be open and honest when I'm never sure who reads this danged thing. Why write about things that don't matter? Why write about things that DO matter when you don't know who reads them?

And then, maybe I think too much.


tsbjf said...

I like it when you write!

MagenRanae said...

I don't think not getting to spend time catching up with friends has anything to do with poor management of time. Life just happens.

lanes said...

Keep it! You don't have to write serious things, check my blog for an example. ;) I would miss your blog....

Anonymous said...
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Annemarie said...

I would miss you too, but obviously I'm not a paragon of time management.

Unknown said...

I never get to see you and enjoy you not becoming a stranger. :)

Hammy said...

I find it inspirational when people have real live blogs, and not just blogs where they post stuff every 3-9 months. I readily admit that my own blog is in that second category. If it were an animal it would be starving, limping... and a monkey. Your blog, however, is a beautiful dancing peacock. Don't let the beautiful dancing peacock die!